Keystone SQL 2000 Implementing and Design Level 3 and 4 (2片裝)
Keystone SQL 2000 Implementing and Design Level 3 and 4 (2片裝)(Keystone 公司: 微軟 SQL 2000 資料庫設計實作教學 Level 3及4)
Keystone 公司: 微軟 SQL 2000 資料庫設計實作教學 Level 3及4
市價:新台幣 38000元。
This course teaches you to administer and troubleshoot information systems
that incorporate the SQL Server? 2000 Enterprise Edition. Learn how to
install and configure a SQL 2000 Server, create SQL 2000 databases, manage
,monitor and troubleshoot SQL 2000 databases, extract and transform data
and manage and monitor SQL 2000 security. Available on 11 videos or 11
CDs, the entire course prepares you for Exams 70-228 and 70-229.
Implementing SQL Server 2000 Level 3 (2 hrs 17 mins)
1.0 Advanced Queries (39 mins)
1.1 Aggregated Functions
1.2 Grouping Data
1.3 Advanced Queries
1.4 Distributed Queries
2.0 Joining Tables (30 mins)
2.1 Inner Joins
2.2 Outer Joins
2.3 Cross Join & Self Join
2.4 Subqueries
2.5 Unions
3.0 Data Modification (14 mins)
3.1 INSERT Statements
3.2 Creating Temporary Tables
3.3 UPDATE Statements
3.4 DELETE Statement
4.0 System Functions (54 mins)
4.1 Date Functions
4.2 Mathematical Functions
4.3 String Functions
4.4 System Functions
4.5 Security Functions
4.6 Conversion Functions
4.7 User-Defined Functions
4.8 System Variables
Implementing SQL Server 2000 Level 4 (2 hrs 1 min)
1.0 Stored Procedures (48 mins)
1.1 Intro to Stored Procedures
1.2 Passing Parameters
1.3 Returning information from Stored Procedures
1.4 OUTPUT Parameters
1.5 Dynamic SQL
1.6 Cursors
2.0 Triggers & Views (37 mins)
2.1 Update Triggers
2.2 Insert Triggers
2.3 Delete Triggers
2.4 INSTEAD OF Triggers
3.0 Locking Issues (36 mins)
3.1 Locking Scenarios
3.2 Isolation Levels
3.3 Resource Lock Types
3.4 Lock Modes
3.5 Lock Escalation
3.6 Viewing Locks
3.7 Setting the Isolation Level
3.8 Locking Hints
Keyst ne.SQL.2000.Implementing.and.Design.Level.3-4