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AppDev Asp .Net Part 2 英文光碟正式版 (7片裝)





AppDev Asp .Net Part 2 英文光碟正式版 (7片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:AppDev Asp .Net Part 2 英文光碟正式版 (7片裝) 語系版本:英文版 光碟片數:7片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003 軟體類型:電腦教學認證 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2004/2/13 官方網站:http://www.appdev.com/cd/default.asp?NewPage=cdaspnl2out.htm 中文網站:http://www.appdev.com/cd/default.asp?NewPage=cdaspnl2out.htm 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:560 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體簡介: AppDev Asp .Net Part 2 英文光碟正式版 (7片裝) AppDev是一家相當有名的教育光碟出版公司,而這片教學光碟所要介紹的就是如何 使用微軟最新的程式語言ASP .NET來建立及開發網站上的應用程式,這可是現在時 下最流行的開發策略及方法之一,因為現在使用網路程式開發軟體來開發網路應用 程式在現在已經是一個既定的模式了。 This course takes you beyond the basics of creating Web pages and XML Web Services with ASP.NET, by presenting the techniques and concepts youll need to build efficient, full-featured Web applications. Youll learn to inter-operate with non-.NET code, to manage session state, to re-use code by creating your own controls, to improve performance with output caching, to debug your application and trace its activity, to use advanced Web services features, to configure and deploy ASP.NET applications, to authenticate users and limit their access to resources, to handle multi- user data access conflicts, and to support mobile devices. SESSION 7 (98 min) Migration and Interoperability Migrating to ASP.NET Using COM Objects in ASP.NET Using Platform Invocation Services Using .NET Components from COM Managing State with ASP.NET Preserving State in Web Applications Page-Level State Using Cookies to Preserve State ASP.NET Session State Storing Objects in Session State SESSION 8 (109 min) Configuring Session State Setting Up and Out-of-Process State Server Storing Session State in SQL Server Using Cookieless Session IDs Application State Creating New Controls in ASP.NET Two Kinds of User-Defined Controls Creating a User Control A More Complex User Control Creating a Custom Control Investigating the StateDropDownList Control SESSION 9 (112 min) Investigating the StateDropDownList Control (cont.) ASP.NET Caching and Performance Tuning Performance in ASP.NET Caching in ASP.NET Declarative Page Output Caching Programmatic Page Caching Caching Page Fragments Caching Data Monitoring Performance SESSION 10 (105 min) Additional Performance Tips Tracing and Debugging in ASP.NET Tracing in ASP.NET Debugging ASP.NET Applications Debugging Multiple Languages Advanced Topics in XML Web Services Digging Deeper into Consuming Web Services Using XML Shaping Using Web Services to Provide Common Output SESSION 11 (115 min) Transferring Binary Information Using XML Web Services Configuring and Deploying ASP.NET Applications Deploying ASP.NET Applications Configuring an ASP.NET Application Supporting Mobile Devices with ASP.NET A Big Problem, and a Solution Introducing MMIT Investigating the Mobile Web Controls SESSION 12 (106 min) Securing ASP.NET Applications Security Foundations ASP.NET Security Concepts Implementing Windows Authentication Form-Based Security Passport Authentication Securing Web Services Robust Data Handling with ADO.NET DataSets and XML Typed DataSets SESSION 13 (72 min) Optimistic Concurrency   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
