CMIVFX Cinema 4D Thinking Particles And XPresso 英文正式版(C4D思維粒子教學)(DVD一片裝)
C4D思維粒子教學終於來襲特效公司出品C4D Thinking Particles and xPresso
ThinkingParticles是一款高級的粒子特效插件,和Particle Flow、ParticleStudio一
Introduction to XPresso
Understanding how to navigate and create inside XPresso is crucial to managing
Thinking Particles. With clear step by step execution, we will instruct you on
the principals of working with XPresso networks and how they divide into the
connections you would potentially seek.
Thinking like TP 像思維粒子一樣思考
As with learning any new language, we learn to follow different rules then what
we are used to. Thinking Particles is no exception to the rule. It has its own
rules and workflow. Decrypting how the system "thinks" is one of the most crucial
endeavors, so that later on you can read-write solid TP networks knowing exactly
why they are connected in such a way to be enhanced.