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midas MeshFree V300 R2 buld 20181019 x64 好用的CAD模型有限元分析軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝)





midas MeshFree V300 R2 buld 20181019 x64 好用的CAD模型有限元分析軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:midas MeshFree V300 R2 buld 20181019 x64 好用的CAD模型有限元分析軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:Windows 7even or newer 軟體類型:好用的CAD模型有限元分析軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2019-04-28 官方網站:http://www.midasmeshfree.com 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$180元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. Install or update the SolidSQUAD Universal License Server for vendor MidasIT If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server has never been installed on the computer: - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be: X:\SolidSQUAD_License_Servers - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "Client\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_MidasIT_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes -- OR -- If SolidSQUAD Universal License Server is already installed, but the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" is newer than the installed one, update the server installation: - As administrator run "uninstall.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes - unzip the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" to any DRIVE ROOT folder X:\ (like C:\, D:\, E:\ etc), so the path will be: X:\SolidSQUAD_License_Servers - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_MidasIT_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes -- OR -- If the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_.zip" is not newer than the installed one but the release-date of "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_MidasIT_.zip" is newer than the installed one, update MidasIT module only: - unzip the "Vendors" folder from "Server\SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_MidasIT_.zip" to the "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder - As administrator run "install_or_update.bat" from "SolidSQUAD_License_Servers" folder and wait until it completes 2. Install "midas MeshFree V300.2 Win64" 3. Replace original (by default: C:\Program Files\midas MeshFree) with cracked one 4. Run "SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg" and confirm to add info into Windows Registry 5. REBOOT COMPUTER! 6. To run MeshFree with: English GUI run MeshFree_English.reg Chinese GUI run MeshFree_Chinese.reg Korean GUI run MeshFree_Korean.reg 7. Run midas MeshFree > License > tick "Network (FLEXnet Manager)", for HOST ID input: 27800@localhost > OK 8. Enjoy 軟體簡介:   MIDAS機械產品MeshFree在中國正式發佈!本次發佈會吸引了行業內近400人的關注 並收到報名資訊,即時線上登錄節點數過百,這是大家對行業內新技術、新工具的 關注,也是大家對MIDAS MeshFree的期待;很榮幸,我們確實沒有讓大家失望,midas MeshFree無需幾何模型的簡化,無需網格劃分,只需要3步驟的分析流程,簡單高效 ,能節省大量的分析時間,讓您的設計分析不再繁瑣和苦惱! 企業都很注重生產效率,特別是產品更新迭代比較快的行業,過長的設計週期肯定會 影響企業的經營效益。對於企業的設計人員,如果需要花費大量的時間去掌握一款軟 體來輔助設計工作,這顯然是很不現實的,會嚴重影響到產品的設計週期。韓國三星 電子公司當初也是遇到這個問題,因為設計的產品結構較複雜,分析時網格難以處理 ,影響了產品設計的進度。韓國三星電子公司尋求韓國邁達斯公司的幫助,在雙方的 共同努力下,自2014年以來開發了基於隱式邊界法(IBM)的全新仿真分析軟體midas MeshFree。這款軟體的問世,徹底解決了對於複雜結構網格難以處理的問題;2017年 正式進入中國,為了讓MeshFree成為中國工程師也能得心應手使用的工具軟體,中國 區機械團隊辛勤的翻譯,精心的漢化,用心的完善,還通過實際的走訪,試用,讓MeshFree 能夠順利的面市發佈,本次發佈得到了行業內的一致好評,相信MeshFree會成為您最 好的夥伴. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
