Firefox OS is a new exciting mobile operating system that has the goal of
taking HTML 5 and making it a first class mobile citizen. In this course I'll
teach you the basics of Firefox OS and show you by example how to create two
real Firefox OS applications as well as how to get those applications into
the Firefox Marketplace. In this course, we'll start off by learning a little
bit about Firefox OS and what makes it different. We'll also talk about some
of the benefits of a mobile operating system that uses web technologies you
are already familiar with and take a quick look at the OS itself. After that,
we'll create a very basic Hello World application as we go through the pretty
simple process of installing the Firefox OS simulator and creating a very
basic application to run inside it. Once we have those basics down, we'll go
straight into creating our first application. First, I'll show you how to
create a hosted application which is an application that you can actually host
on your own webserver, but is installed like any other mobile app on Firefox
OS. Then, we'll create another full application, as we learn how to create a
packaged application that is able to access more of the APIs that Firefox OS
only exposed to apps that are actually installed on the device. We'll still
use the same HTML 5 technologies you are used to for this application, but we
won't need to host the app ourselves, because the user will install in
directly on their device. Finally, I'll take you through the process of
deploying your Firefox OS applications. We'll talk about the different options
you have for getting our application into users hands including distributing it
yourself and using the Firefox Marketplace to host your apps. So, if you are
excited about mobile, and want to learn about an exciting platform you can
develop for that will allow you to reuse your existing HTML 5, JavaScript and
CSS skills, you'll definitely want to check out this course.